Wednesday, December 24, 2008



一位在Edmonton 的朋友说:“You haven't seen anything yet. Edmonton is suffering from a 10 days strait below -25C every single day. They announce finally a warm up for tomorrow, a nice -18C.” 我顿时感到无比温暖。

“We will also have white Christmas this year. But we will be in Orlando, Florida for the New Year” 三十六计,走为上计。

“May be you bring the cold from Buffalo to Vancouver.” 知道了,我的寒假作业还得有一篇深刻检讨。

“ we have too much snow here, non-stop and I have to shovel all the time (already an expert).” 熟能生巧,怪不得老兄能自己办公司。

“We already had 3-4 snow storms. I am already tired...” 嗨,同为天涯沦落人。

“You have gotten used to staying in a nice area and forgotten what snow looks like. Now it is a good time to refresh your memory of Buffalo ^_^” 明白了,我的检讨还得再加500字。

一位在加州海边的朋友说:“I envy you for the new scenery (unlike ours)!” 我对“审美疲劳”又有了更深刻的认识。

“Here in Dallas, it's warm and pleasant, although a road shooting just happened and two died. America!” 真惊心动魄!还是只下点雪好了。

“We are here in Singapore, temperature ranged from 24-32 degree Celsius:) With some artificial snow in our Orchard Road:)” 我们也想在冬天到夏威夷或 Las Vegas 享受出汗的感觉。

“Glad you are surviving and enjoying the snow!” 泪流满面,虽然铲雪后浑身肌肉酸痛。

“On the other side of the world, we are having a very hot Christmas at Brisbane. We have to switch on the air-conditioning to survive.” 是你们研究全球气候变暖的时候了。我们现在的话题是全球气候变化(global climate change)。

“but no snow around Sigma Building of MSRA. Maybe it is because that MSRA is the hottest lab and the snow thaw in the sky before it gets to the ground:)” 听听,这就叫底气。

一位在中国的朋友说:“I went out with my friends for the prize cutting and bought a lot of stuff, including a small Christmas tree,” 谁说全球经济衰退的?

“In general, AZ is a warm place in Winter, but we have rain these days.” 任何事情都有好的一面,全球气候变化也不例外。


  1. Hilarious!
    Didn't know you can write this well!

    最适合(懒)人类居住的小山村... LMAO

  2. Merry X'mas!

